Our Services

Change your life with us - recover and grow together.

Our Services

At Al-Fanar Mental Health Center, we are committed to offering a comprehensive range of services and therapeutic programs designed to meet your psychological and emotional needs. Here’s what we offer:

Mental Health Care

Specialized treatment for a variety of psychological conditions, with tailored and detailed therapeutic approaches.

Addiction Rehabilitation

Advanced detox and addiction recovery programs with comprehensive psychological support.

Specialized Treatment

Access to a team of highly skilled and dedicated mental health and addiction specialists.

Diverse Treatment

A variety of recreational activities and beach trips to enhance relaxation, social interaction, and positive communication during the recovery and healing process.

Athlete Rehabilitation

Fitness programs with specialized trainers to support overall well-being, enhance health, and boost physical strength and endurance.

Recreational Activities

A variety of recreational activities and beach trips to enhance relaxation, social interaction, and positive communication during recovery.